Thursday, March 20, 2014

Free Pet First Aid for Dogs and Cats Kindle EBook

Get the new  Kindle Book called The A to Z of First Aid and Emergency Care for Dogs and Cats, for free from Amazon or the Kindle store for free for a limited time.

This easy to use pet first aid book is  in alphabetical order for ease of reference. All categories tell you "What to Do" and "What not to do" when it comes to first aid for your dog or cat.

This free First Aid for Dogs Kindle book also has handy checklists check out The A to Z of First Aid and Emergency Care for Dogs and Cats and get it free for a limited time. Normally $8.99 but this book is free on for a limited time.

 The A to Z of First Aid and Emergency Care for Dogs and Cats (2013 Ed)

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Free eBook for Kindle owners. Ends October 31